Friday, May 30, 2008


Ok, so I just got back from camping, with all my favorite people (ha!), but seriously, the camping trip was so much fun.

If you forget about:
1)the truck towing the Fox's camper breaking down, leaving us without 3 sleeping places
2)the terrible rain forcing us all to sleep in the cabins rather than the tents as planned
3)conditions being 'less than desirable'
5)forgetting half the food
6)sleeping 7 people in a cabin made for 4
8)community bath-houses

Other than that, I loved it!

We played so much Uno and B.S., I'm pretty sure I could play in my sleep.

And I can't believe how much we laughed on that trip.
We laughed about:
"OKaaaayyyyy", "I'm Hongray!!", and other Cody-like phrases.
Fighting with 'blind' kids
Asian emo stalkers
Lesbian songs
and so much more.

Anyway, I had fun.
I can't wait to hear what Emily has to say about it.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Indy 4

Ok. So I watched the new Indiana Jones movie last night, and it is really good.

It has just as much action as the first 3 even though Harrison Ford is old now.
Oh! And when Indiana puncnes a guy in the face (or gets punched in the face), it makes the same exact sond effect as the old movies.

And Shia Labeouf (is that how you spell his name? I don't know) did a really good job, and the movie was really funny.

My only problem with the movie is that it's a little more sci-fi than the old ones. Not as realistic. (If you have seen it already, then you know what I'm talking about.)

All in all, It was a fantastic movie. I completely reccomend seeing it, but you really should see the others before this one, or else you won't really get some of the jokes.

THe only thing about the movies that confuses me is those monkeys. What the heck was that all about??


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cheesy Movie Lines

Ok. I have decided on my favorite pick up line from a movie.

It occurs in "Back to the Future" when Marty goes back in time and has to make his dad (George) ask his mom (Lorraine) to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance.

So anyway, George walks up to Lorraine in the diner and he says,
"I'm George. George McFly. I'm your density."

Omigosh. That has got to be the cutest thing I have ever witnessed. 'Density' instead of 'destiny'.

I swear, if a guy said that to me, my heart would just melt.

Anyway, I felt like writing about something happy and just kind of cute and useless. This is it.

Oh! And I'm going to see the new Indy movie on Friday.
WHOO-HOO! Can't wait.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Peter Pan and Billy Madison got it Right

Peter Pan was definitely right on not wanting to grow up
(and living on an awesome island and flying around and being all-around B.A.), but mainly on the not growing up thing.

And the scene in Billy Madison after he has started high school, and he goes back to visit his 3rd grade friends, and the cute little fat boy goes " Wow. I can't wait till I get to hi-gh school, Billy"
and Billy grabs his face and all intensely says "Don't you say that. Don't you ever say that. Stay here. Stay where your safe. Stay as long as you can. For God's sakes, cherish it!"

Besides being really funny, I wish I had had that advice. High School sucks!!(euphemism for 'sucks cock'. haha. I learn so much in English)

Everybody grew up so fast. I miss days where your biggest problem is that you didn't win the race to swings when you got let out for recess.
Now I'm dealing with sex, and drugs, and drama, and how you aren't considered a good person if you like the same person as your friend.

HONESTLY! I can't believe what is happening to a certain friend of mine. I don't want to say names because I don't want to stir things up, but teenage girls are awful!

I heard once that the worst part of being a teenager is other teenagers. AMEN to that!

But trying to make out your friend to be a bad person because they like a guy that you supposedly liked first (even though you have a boyfriend) is one of the meanest and most manipulative things I have ever heard.

Have you seen the movie Mean Girls? I know who the Regina George of the 9th grade is.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Have you Called Jenny yet?

So, there was a lot of drama today, and I can't stand it.

Drama is such a waste of energy, and I don't want to deal with it. It doesn't help that people keep asking me about it all the time. If you really want to know about it, don't ask me at school. e-mail me or something.

I don't really want to explain the whole thing, but it ended up with somebody telling me that I am a b***h who should straighten her hair (I found this to be a weird insult. Like 'Oh you have curly hair, I hate you.... Also I have worn my hair straight every day this week), and that I should call Jenny Craig.

Wow. If I was going to use any TV weight-loss program, it would so not be Jenny Craig. NUTRISYSTEM!! Haha.

So I really wish all this would blow over, but I doubt it will, because it was apparently a very big deal.
It is even being brought up right now as I type this.

So, I guess that's about it.

Oh!! Except that the Cruisin' on the Square thing is this Saturday, and I will be there showing off my daddy's car... unless it rains. but come see me please. '4p.m. till dusk' is the official time, but it sure would be great if someone stopped by, so it won't just be me sitting around cool cars and old men.

Yup. I'm all out of words.