Saturday, July 4, 2009


Ok, everybody, HERE IT IS!!

A Day:
1) US History- Denmon
2) Adv. Band- Rittenhouse
3) Business Data Apps- Parker (Bunches of friends in here. Yay! It's a lunch class!!)
4) Spanish II- Pesty-Wallace (I hope to finish this with a 102 also. haha. I love Spanish!!)

B Day:
1) Chemistry- Poole (Apparently, Donahue isn't teaching Chem. next year. :/)
2) Inter. Band- Rittenhouse (Learning to play tuba. Fo Shizzle. It's gonna be amazing)
3) Honors- Batch (Aggh!! Need to read more!!! :P)
4) Adv. Algebra & Trig- Payne

What do you have?


Joe Murphy said...

Ok, I just read this part in the Scarlet Letter where Pearl has this like spasm thingy! It was creepy, cause it was like there were invisible demons coming out of her and she was screaming and everything! What the crap does Sked mean?

Becca said...

how did you get your schedule?

Becca said...

nevermind. i found it. so are u sure donahue isnt teaching? if hes not then ill take chemisty too.

Joe Murphy said...

It happens when they walk through the forest.