Monday, March 16, 2009

Pet Peeves/ just stuff that bothers me

These are things that REALLY bother me.
Not really in any particular order.
(Do pet peeves have to be something that OTHER people do that bothers you, or can it just be an occurance? If its the first one, then these aren't actually pet peeves.)

-When someone tells me to calm down/chill/ relax or any other form of that.

-When the bottom of my pant legs get wet from walking around on wet ground and then its all cold and sticks to your legs and won't dry forEVER!

-That Vonage commercial with the phone, and they're adding up the amount you pay for your phone bill ON THE PHONE!! I'm like "That's not a fucking calculator!"

-When people copy me/my ideas

-When people don't listen to me

-When people HEAR me, but still don't listen to me

-OVERLY sarcastic people

-People who SAY they are random. If you have to tell people that you are random, then you're not random.

-'Luxury' car commercials

-Not being taken seriously when I'm actually being serious

-Being taken seriously when I joking

-When people talk about my hair. It's a soft spot people! I just got comfortable with my frizz and poof like, this year. I L-O-V-E it, so shut the hell up about it already.

-Girls who complain aobut their weight just to get attention/to seem humble even though they KNOW that there body is rockin.

-Boys that know that they are hot. They always have huge egos and are usually assholes.

-When my food on my plate touches.

-When people look at my toes/feet

I'll add on to this I guess if I think of anything else.
I don't really know what the point of this is, but I hope you like it.
If you think of anything else, let me know!

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