Friday, March 13, 2009

Anticipation and Expectation

I can't wait until SPRING BREAK!!

Lasst year I went to Florida with Geoff, Leland, and my mom, and that was super-fun because we went to the Islands of Adventure (which is where that picture was taken, I don't know, its somewhere over there ----->).

This year, I'm going to Hilton Head with Emma.
Which will be awesome, because we are going to spend all day at the beach (and stare in amazement at my legs that CONTINUE to shun sunlight), and we'll eat seafood, and I'm going to meet Kathleen (Emma's friend from camp who lives on the island... not Emma's mom, who I already know... VERY WELL if you know what I'm saying... hahahaha!!! I love mom jokes, evn if they make me sound like a lesbian), and we'll make fools fo ourselves when we try to dance to songs we don't know the dance to.
Umm... last year we had on MTV, and Thriller came on, so we jumped up and attempted the dance, and then someone (I honestly don't remember which of us it was) got the bright idea to go out on the balcony to do it. So we run to the balcony, and do like, one head twitch, and the claws in the air-type thingy and then ran out of moves, and looked at each other and ran back in, hoping nobody noticed what we did.

And we'll ride bikes, and we'll walk to the store for frozen lemonade and mini ice cream, and well play mini golf, and we'll go to the movies, and shop, and stuff!

And it WILL ROCK!!

The only problem is that Spring Break isn't until April 6th. It is going ot kill me to look forward to something that far away.

So, I'm going to look forward to tomorrow, instead.
Tomorrow, I have to work, but that's ok because I like my job. But then, after work, I'm gonna come home, get in the shower, fix my makeup, do my hair, then I'm going to Emma's to help her get ready to PARTY!!!
Yeah, Birthday Party tomorrow!!

And after that, I'm going to look forward to Monday. Monday after school, is the meeting for DRUM MAJOR TRYOUTS!
When I first thought about trying out for drum major, I was just kidding, but after I thought about it, I thought it would be REALLY fun!

I think I'd be a good drum major. I definitely have a pretty authoritative personality, but I don't think I'll be OVERBEARING (i.e. I'll know when to turn my 'drum major' off and have fun with my friends)

I probably won't get it, because I don't think Mr. Rittenhouse takes me seriously, and Eric has been helping Katie A LOT and she's trying out too, soooo....

Anyway, yeah, this post is kind of all over the place, but whatever.

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