Sunday, July 27, 2008


Yes, it's an account of my weeeekeenndd!!!!

Which was awesome!

On Friday night, I went to see Camelot in Hayesville. I really didn't want to, and if Emily wasn't there, I would have been absolutely miserable. the play wasnt.... bad. But it was really funny.

The only thing is that, we never laughed at the jokes. We just laughed at everything else. I know that sounds like we are REALLY RUDE to just laugh about it, but if we hadn't we would have been bored to tears, so I think the actors would rather us be entertained in SOME way... right?

Anyway, in the first scene, the guy that played King Arthur is wearing this tunic thing (in fact, all of the guys except one wear tunics with tights the entire play. ummm) and his skirt is... kind of short, and he sits down ... a few times. AHHHHH!!!!! MY EYES!!! And King Arthur is a lot older than Guenevere (spellcheck?)

Oh, and Lancelot's tunic thing has, like slits up both sides that go all the way up to his hips. So everytime his side was to the crowd, it was like LOOK AT MY THIGHS!!!
That was one of the main sources of laughter for Emily and I.

And, at one point, they are having a jousting tournament, and supposedly, Sir Lionel gets stabbed all the way through by the lance..... so when they carried his dead body onto the stage, they have put 'blood' on his 'armor' (silver cloth). The blood looks like he dribbled ketchup on his shirt whilst eating a hamburger. And, after Lancelot's miracle, when Lionel is walking away, there is no blood on his back. I THOUGH HE WAS STABBED ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!!


OH, and Merlin's wizard costume looked like a spacesuit. It was like, purple with a liver strip running down the front, and Lime green shoulder things.

But, the most disturbing part of the entire play was Guenevere and Lancelot's kiss. Apparently, this actress had just graduated (we think high school), and The actor was, in his 40's. I think.

Anyway, this kiss was wayyyy too intense (open-mouthed. *retch retch*), and it was the most awkward moment ever. Everybody in the theater was super quiet, and I really wanted to clear my throat just then, but I didn't.

Anyway, then Mordrid comes in, and catches them. And then he ruins everybody's life, and he laughs about it very dramatically, and he has the funniest I'm-better-than-you swagger.

So then afterwards, we all went to Waffle House, because they are open really late. ;)


I didn't have to work on Saurday, which is AWESOME.

I hung around all day, and then last night I went to Lisa's slumber party. I love slumber parties. They make me feel like a 12 year old again.

So anyway, there was:
and Me

We went to the moves, and saw HANCOCK which was pretty good. It could have been funnier, though.

OH, and they decided to dress me up in Lisa's clothes. I don't know why. Apparently, my Cute is What We Aim For t-shirt is just not good enough for them. So I ended up wearing this white shirt with blue and yellow flower type things on it.

Then they wanted to do my hair. I don't know why. Apparently my gorgeous fluffy curls are not good enough for them. They decided to straighten it. Straightening my hair properly, takes about 2 hours. We didn't have 2 hors, we had about 10 minutes. So Lisa decided to leave the ends of my hair all brushed out and frizzy. My hair was very triangular.

I looked like a hippy. Which is okay I guess... I just felt a little awkward.

Anyway, then we went back to Lisa's and watched the Ruins. gag! Grossest movie ever. And we didn't even finish it. We started watching the Heath Ledger movie called Candy. He was a nasty drug addict guy. With a nasty drug addict girlfriend.

We didn't get very far into that before everyone fell asleep. approximate time: 4:30 am.

When we woke up this morning, and re-started the movie. Then I left for work. 11:30 am.

So at work today, I wasn't there long, just, like two hours, because they sent me home early to save on labor costs, my 'boss' made me so mad. She's actually a manager-in-training, and she's been at our store for less time that I have. She hasn't learned how everything works yet, and I don't blame her for that. It's just that, she hasn't learned it all yet.

Anyway, she ended up talking to me about 'respect' and stuff because I simply told her that you can fit twelve cookies on a cookie tray without them cooking together. She actually threatened to send me home. Really??? After her little lecture, she gave me hug. GRRRR.

So anyway, Dana and I told our manager-manager about it, and she just kind of rolled her eyes.
Apparently, she doesn't really care. So neither do I.

Anyway, I came home, caught up on all the sleep I missed, and then I talked to Bri a little. She's starting a clothing line, ya know. It's pretty cool. She wore the cutest dress to Lisa's. And she MADE IT.

So yeah, then I went for a ride with my daddy in Fiona, and then I wrote this.

And, I decided what I want to write my narrative about.



1 comment:

Becca said...

ew how can u actually be looking forward to band camp? 100 degrees heat sweat everywhere and hair sticking to the back of ur neck. barf.. its all repulsive.

but anyways tell me ur "schedule" spelling lol.. i NEED to know its a nessecity