The book that never ends.
I have, like, less than a month to finish reading this book, and do the assignments.
I'm freaking out!
I admit to being to world's worst procrastinator, and obviously my time would be better spent asctually READING the book than sittin ghere writing about how I SHOULD read it.
Why can't I focus on the dumb book?
When I do try to read it, I just get confused. There are way too many characters.
It's like, this guy had an affair iwth her, and then their 'dead' baby was taken after someone tried to kill him, and the dude that stole the baby ends up beinga valet, and the baby is a murderer that pretends to be someone's son for money, and he's going to marry this girl that tries to run away after they find out that he's a murderer. And one girl is supposed to marry a guy, but she loves the otehr dude, and she gets her grandfather to break off her marriage to the guy she doesn't love, and then she gets engaged to the dude she loves, meanwhile, people are dropping like flies in her house, so everyone thinks it's cursed. And then she is the target of the murderer, and the Count promises that she will be okay, but now she's dead, and that's where I am right now.
I DON'T GET IT!!! I can't keep everyone straight.
I'm going to go to Sparknotes and see if they can shed some light.
(she's not really. remember what the count told her? even if you wake up in a coffin...) its actually a really good book... one of my favorites now.
ahh Heather, Heather. Yes, it does have a LOT of characters. Are you making your character map, young lady?
Oh, and Becca. NO!!! You must NOT like it more than any book you read in my class. I will have you taken out of my homeroom if you dare say it again. lol. just kiddin...
Ok ya I have only done the vocab. I tried to read it wasn't confused er anything just can't seem to actually wanna read it :/ how lame am I???
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