Tuesday, December 8, 2009

yay for me!

I made 100 on my transcedentalism paper for Mrs. Batchelor.

That makes me feel awesome... I've never made 100 on a batch paper before (though, let's face it, I've been close. haha)

Anyway, I'm glad that THIS is the paper that I did really well on: it was very personal. Really. Joe, I don't know if you even read my blog enymore, but if you do, I really didn't want you to read my paper, I wasn't just being weird.

This paper makes me want to cry every time I read it.

I wonder if Batch cried. I doubt, it but that would be absolutely phenomenal.

Ha. I love making people cry.

That's all for now. You can hold your applause. I know that I'm amazing.

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