Friday, January 2, 2009

I want school to start... NOW!!

I can't wait for the new semester.
I like my clases now (except Drivers Ed, but I don't really count that as a class), but I am ready for a change.

Plus, I miss all of my friends.
1 day after Christmas, my parents friends from Florida came up to visit, bringing their 15 year old daughter, and her boyfriend.
I've known them since I was born, and Mandy (their daughter) and I get along ok, but she's got nothing on my friends.
My friends just bring the best out of me. I'm always more fun and outgoing when I'm with my friends.

I think I'm having, like, withdrawls or something, because I keep flying off the handle at people for no reason, and I'm really cranky, and I'm throwing up (hee, not really).

Mandy and her boyfriend just fight all the time. They just had their 8-month anniversary, and if their entire relationship was like this, I can't believe they are still together.
He is funny and stuff, but he is really rude.
I wouldn't stay with a guy who treated me like he treats her.

I just want them to shut up.

They have been here for a week, and they both smoke, and I'm sick of them fighting with each other and all their secondhand smoke.

They are leaving tomorrow, and I can't freaking wait.
They were entertaining for like 2 days, but they need to leave.

I know that makes me sound rude, but all they do is fight with each other. They are no fun.
They just piss me off.


Becca said...

im sorry. wat did u get for christmas

Joe Murphy said...

heather, i think it is officially time to start shunning those people. and make sure you say "shuuuunnnn" whenever you do it.

Becca said...

cool beans. me too. did u get the touch screen u said u wanted once