Friday, October 10, 2008

Things are Looking Up

So, I don't really feel like I'm in a slump anymore.

Things are just happier now, and I don't know why.
It's not like I'm totally happy with everything, but- I don't know- I just feel better.

Maybe I should have re-read my last post before starting this one, so I could better pinpoint the difference.

But anyway, for an update on what's happening in mylife now:
+I'm doing well in all of my classes. I broght up my grade in Alg II from dangling near failure (for me, not for the school) to a more acceptable grade.

+Fall Break has started, and I don't have any plans except for the parade tomorrow, and working on Sunday. Sara Beth and Kayla were talking aobut going to a corn maze tomorrow, after they finish working at the Key Club booth, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Oh well, maybe we can go to the movies or something.

+Fall Ball has been anounced.... Saturday Night Fever. I don't know if I want to go. Last year, I left early, because I wasn't having very much fun. I don't want to spend 20 bucks on a ticket if I don't think I'm going to have fun, but I also think I might have more fun this year: I've come out of my (dancing) shell... since Chicago (heeheehee).

+My awesome friends Bri and Stephanie were nominated for Homecoming, which comes with an unpleasant side, but f**k those people that don't tink Bri or Stephanie 'deserve' to be on homecoming court (click on the link to Bri's blog in my 'cool people' section to read more). I don't see why people cant be happy for them. And it seems like Bri is getting more of the brunt of this drama than Stephanie. Which sucks. :(
But I am crazy-proud of them.
(I also think Bri should MAKE her homecoming dress, because, in case you haven't heard, she has a cothing line.)

Let's see.... what else?

I guess not much.

I'm just glad I don't feel so crappy about life anymore.

I guess the only thing I'd like to change right now, is:
I wish people wouldn't take everything I said so literally. I exaggerate a lot, expecially when I'm upset. (I'm pretty sure I posted a blog about that, too... around forever ago) So, when I say "I can't stand her!" or something, I'm probably just mad about something, and I don't really MEAN it. so don't call me a b***c. (Richard... And Scarlett O'Hara really DOES remind me of Ashley Marcot.)

I guess that's it.

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