On the first day there we got to our hotel at 11 and they wouldn't let us check in until 3. GAY!. So we drove into old Savannah, and we ate lunch in one of the 21 squares, and all these tourist trolleys kept driving by and made us feel very much like animals in the zoo, because all the trolley people kept staring at us. Anyway, my we ended up deciding to take a trolley tour. I don't know whose idea that was. Certainly not mine.
So LOOK OUT! When you take a trolley tour you get to wear these bright yellow stickers (happyhappyjoyjoy) that mark you as 'an official tourist of Savannah'. Very much like the yellow stars that the Nazis made the Jews wear during th Holocaust.
The trolley tour was miserable. The tour guide had a weird deep south crazy accent and he talked reallly loud even though he had a lovely llittle microphone/speaker system that made him super loud and he really hurt my ears. Plus the woman sitting in front of Emily and me started breastfeeding her daughter. In the middle of nowhere it was all like BAM! There it is. Emily made the mistake of pointing it out to my mother, the breastfeeding guru. (My mom works in Labor and Delivery in the hospital. and she teaches a childbirth class, and she thinks formula is a mortal sin. We have breastfeeding textbooks strew haphazardly about the house.)
Anyway, after the trolley ride from hell (almost as bad as the Ducks in Chatanooga. Different story that made me suicidal), we hung around on River Street, and finally we could check in to the hotel.
So we hung out at the hotel for a while and then we decided to go to The Cotton Exchange for dinner. It's this really yummy seafood place on River Street. I ate waaayyyy too much. I had scallops. YUM!
Anyway, after that we went on a ghost tour, and we walked around Svannah in the middle of the night and this girl told us ghost stories about all these haunted buildings and stuff. Apparently Savannah is called 'the city built on the dead' because people are buried all over the place. In every one hundred steps you take in Savannah, you step on at least one dead person. EWW.
So the next day we went to the Birthplace of Juliette Low because the two younger girls that were with us are Girl Scouts, and they get a patch for going there. Aww.
I'm pretty sure that Juliette Low was a big Lesbian. But anyway, we got to do this 'Victorian Adventure' thing where we had to dress up in these big hoop skirts and learn how to act like 'proper ladies' it was slightly hokey, but I enjoyed it... mainly because I rocked at it. It could walk in the big skirt without it 'tilting' and I was amazing at handling the fan, and plus I love anything that involves costumes/getting dressed up. :)
After the fantastically GirlScouty day we went to this restaurant called the Casbah. It was so much fun! It was a Moroccan restaurant and you sat on these couches to eat, and before they bring you food they bring around this teapot looking thing and they pour water over your hands to clean them, because they don't have utensils.
Anyway, the last day we went to the beach. We had to get home, so we didn't swim, but it was low tide and swimming wouldn't have been much fun anyway. So we walked up and down the beach and Emily and I found this fleshy lung thing. We thing it was a dolphin lung.... because it wasn't big enought to be a whale, and fish don't have lungs. Unless it wasn't a lung at all......
Okay. So that's all on Savannah. On to work.
I had to work today and I had a very good day. I got my first paycheck!!!
Super excited! I love making money. :)
And I saw Taylor at Zaxby's, and Emma's mom was there and she told me that Emma was coming home from camp on Friday, and other happy things.
Oh, and my cash drawer was PERFECT today. It said I was short cents the first time I checked, but i re-counted my dimes and I must have missed one the first time I counted, because I ended up with a perfect drawer. And that makes me happy too.
So on Friday I got roped in to doing this relay for life thing. Apparently they are having a train ride thing for little kids, so I have to help them with that and make sure no kids fall off the train and get run over.
So that's all. There is nothing else going on in my life at all, but that's ok.
The only way to describe my current feeling right now is:
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