Friday, May 30, 2008


Ok, so I just got back from camping, with all my favorite people (ha!), but seriously, the camping trip was so much fun.

If you forget about:
1)the truck towing the Fox's camper breaking down, leaving us without 3 sleeping places
2)the terrible rain forcing us all to sleep in the cabins rather than the tents as planned
3)conditions being 'less than desirable'
5)forgetting half the food
6)sleeping 7 people in a cabin made for 4
8)community bath-houses

Other than that, I loved it!

We played so much Uno and B.S., I'm pretty sure I could play in my sleep.

And I can't believe how much we laughed on that trip.
We laughed about:
"OKaaaayyyyy", "I'm Hongray!!", and other Cody-like phrases.
Fighting with 'blind' kids
Asian emo stalkers
Lesbian songs
and so much more.

Anyway, I had fun.
I can't wait to hear what Emily has to say about it.

1 comment:

Emily Fox said...

i wrote it but it's like 7 so i'll write another when i wake up with details kk much love