Congratulations! you are reading the first blog that is actually about something that happened to me, and not about weird contemplations and speculations.
Today happened to be a really good day. Excepting 4th Block.
You see, in 4th block (band), we broke off into different sections to work on our parts for Festival (tomorrow! aggh!) and everything was going fine. The flutes were in the chorus room where we could see the trumpets out in the warm sunshine.
I said, " I wish I was a trumpet, so I could play in the sun." Because it has been really cold, and now that it has finally gotten warm, I am trapped in a classroom looking out on others enjoying the sun.
So then somebody in the flute section (I won't say names, but it starts with an 'A' and rhymes with 'Flandrea') says: "Then go. We don't need you."
Did she just say that they don't need me?? Fine.
So I left. I went outside where I saw Stephanie and the other saxes practicing. So I hung out with them until practice was over. But don't worry! the fun ain't over folks!
Then, someone else (starts with an 'L' and rhymes with 'Peesa') comes out to tell me to come back in with the flutes. I said no, because "I'm not needed".Then she calls me a b**** and walks back in.
In case you missed it the first time around... SHE CALLED ME A B*TCH!! she is supposed to be my friend. I don't understand how I am the one at fault. Starts-with-an-'A'-and-rhymes-with-'Flandrea' said that I am not important or useful or 'needed'. and even if supposedly "didn't mean it", that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt my feelings, or that I don't have a right to feel upset.
And now, to tie in to the title: Who does Starts-with-an-'A'- and-rhymes-with-'Flandrea' think she is?! Why am I disposable, but GOD FORBID we lose her! Apparently, we are in desperate need of pretentious, personality-less people.
Seperately, I noticed that when I'm typing my blog, and someone walks into the room, I pray they don't read it... so that I can post it on the internet where billions of people can see it.
Heather, I love the way you so inconspicuously hide people's names. :p Sorry this happened. Silly people full of silly drama. Oh well. We've always got joe... =D
hey's sara beth!
could the rhyming word for flandrea be...ANDREA? i was just wondering =)
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