Thursday, April 24, 2008

All is Well

OK, so Richard broke up with his girlfriend (the day after their rendezvous in the bandroom), therefore severing ties with the previously mentioned "other friends".

Stephanie and Bri were talking about how much he has changed and how they miss the "old Richard". So I have tried to figure out who the "old Richard" is, and this is what I came up with.

The old Richard is the guy that gave Taylor Stancil's little sister her first kiss, not the guy that took Taylor Wallis's virginity.
And I realize that the whole "gave Taylor's little sister her first kiss" sounds creepy and pedophile-ish, but it's really not like that. It was soo cute. :)

The old Richard is the guy that can always make you laugh even when you feel completely useless and "unneeded".

The old Richard doesn't do drugs.

And hopefully, the old Richard is back again.

I know that sounds amazingly corny and cheesy, but Richard and I have been friends since fifth grade in Mrs. Edward's class when we laughed about Benito Mussolini's name.
(Ben-ee-toe Moo-so-LEEE-neee)teehee.

So anyway... now that I've bored you with my ramblings about my friends, I guess I'll stop now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Awww. Little girl, Did your Kitten just die?

The above is what my dad keeps asking me.

I told him that apparently my 'neutral' face looks really sad, and people keep asking me things like "What's wrong?!" and " Are you okay?" when I'm just walking down the hall. Kacie asks me if I'm okay on the way to lunch every day. Kacie, I'm fine.

So on the way home from school today, whenever I would let my face relax into my 'neutral' face, my dad would be like "Did your kitten die?" (sometimes he would substitue kitten for puppy).

OH! And on a completely unrelated note, I have one of my favorite stories and I would like to share it with everyone. (Mrs. Krieger, I told you already, but its just so funny)

OK, so it's last year, at lunch, and I'm talking to Tyler Hughes, who is REDNECK!! Soooo very redneck.

Well anyway, I don't remember what we were talking about, but he said "You don't know nuthin'" to me.
And of course, being the smart a*s that I am I said something along the lines of "Well, that means I do know something, because you used a double negative, and they cancel each other out to make a positive."

So he looked at me for a second, and then said (and I quote):

There are so many things wrong with that statement, that I don't want to get into it, but wow.
If you didn't laugh at that, then there is something seriously wrong with you.

*Special Thanks to Tyler Hughes for Inflicting so much Humor (at your expense) into the world*

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So Much To Say...

Wow, okay, so much has happened.

First of all, Spring Break was a lot of fun. I spent a week in Florida, in the sun, wearing shorts, and my legs are still completely colorless. Pale pale pale.

So if anybody remembers the blog "Oh how the mind wanders when one puts away dishes" or whatever it was called, my friend who was featured in that blog has doen it again.

Apparently, over Spring Break, he found some powerful painkillers, and took them, and then he got a... personal piercing.

So of course, this caused a small argument.

Emma and I were talking about it, and she said something along the lines of "It's his life, and he has to deal with it"
And I was like, "He is our friend, we can't let him do that to himself. Maybe we should pay someone to knock some sense into him"
And she said, "If you did something like that he would resent you for it"
And then I said, " He would eventually figure out it was for his own good."
"Maybe in , like, 30 years or something"
"Well, I'd rather him figure it out in 30 years so we can be friends again, than have him doing drugs and then dying of an overdose in 30 years!"

Yeah, so then at the soccer game, Ian Servis and I were talking about it, and he said:
"Why do people do drugs? If you want to get 'out of this world' or whatever, then read a freaking book!"

I thought that was really funny.

So today I was talking to my mom about it, and she said that she couldn't believe he took that many pills and lived to tell the tale, and my brother said essentially the same thing. And that really scared me.

So I thought about how in that other post, I wrote "he was completely there for me" and I'm thinking, how 'there for me' can he be if he is stoned all the time?
And worse than that: How can he be there for me if he dies(grr. Arrive Alive got me thinking aobut death)? Two people have already told me that dying was a possibility.

So, being the emotional wreck that I am, I started crying (heehee Hannah).

But we have been friends since 5th grade. If something happened to him because of his 'habits', I would feel like it's my fault because there is nothing I can do about it. I feel so helpless.

Well, now that I am thoroughly upset, I guess it is time to do my English homework.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Break 2008!

So for spring break I am going to Universal Studios and we are going to meet our friends from Florida there, and Leland is coming with us, and it will be fun!

Hopefully, I can put out of my mind all of the crap in Computer Apps.
ARGH! It still just bothers me. Like why someone PRETEND to be friends with someone that they actually despise, as "Peter" seems to despise me.

You know what? I don't even care.

I actually feel a little better now that I have told the 3 people that read this that Shane Preston (aka that anorexic looking guy with the insanely tight pants and weird hair) is the pile of crap that caused all of this.
HA! Take that.

Anyway, I am putting that out of my head forever so I can focus on the awesomeness and fun that is coming my way.

Hope everyone else has a good Spring Break!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Dumb People

I talk to Peter* in my 2nd block everyday. I considered us friends.

So today I was talking to him because I had already finished all of my work, and he just goes "You're so annoying! Go sit down!"

I don't think he meant for it to sound the way it did, but it really upset me.

Probably because I thought we were friends, but he apparently can't stand being around me.

I don't think he really meant to hurt my feelings the way he did, but GOSH! How can he not see how that could be upsetting to me.

Besides, I am so sick of people who dislikes a person because they are nice.

Like you see someone in the hall, and you aren't really friends, but you give them that little courtesy smile, and they just ignore it.

Or if you are following behind somone relatively closely, and you go through a door, and they just let the door swing closed. I always give the door that extra push after I walk through it so that it doesn't slam in the face of the person behind me.

Or if you talk to someone and he just finds you annoying.
God forbid somebody is nice to your anorexic self, Peter!

*Name has been changed to protect the amazingly guilty, who doesn't deserve any protection at all. Peter. :(